47th Annual Laura Day Celebration Recap

Posted: December 10, 2024

A beautiful weekend welcomed guests to the 47th Laura Day Celebration. Thank you to all who came out in support of the museum and the Burr Oak community.

Rose Otto, daughter of Doug and Sarah Otto of Harmony, Minnesota, was named the 2024-2025 Little Miss Laura. Alternates (Prairie Girls) are Knightly Rich, Aria Yoder and Melea Downing.

Saturday’s featured speaker was Sarah Uthoff, an active Laura Ingalls Wilder researcher and currently serving as a reference li-brarian at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She portrayed Laura Ingalls Wilder, as Laura was packing up to move to Missouri and sharing stories from her trunk. Sarah was also on hand to greet visitors in the Pot Hollow Schoolhouse.

On Sunday, the ecumenical church service featured Sister Luv, who shared their gos-pel program through personal stories and music.

Sister Luv, from Spring Valley, Minneso-ta, is composed of four sisters who have been singing together for most of their lives. They have performed at various venues, such as the Rochester Civic Thea-tre, Cresco Theatre & Opera House, pri-vate parties, large concerts, for events of senators and dignitaries, local charities, churches and care centers.

Congratulations to these Laura Day Winners

Laura Days Raffle: The winner of the fire ring donated by CRS Fabrication was Mary S. Other win-ners included Noreen, Markus, Karlee B, Laurie B, Jim O, Tim D and Heath W.

Coloring Contest: Karissa Holler from Lansing, Iowa, won the children’s coloring contest.